- Requires
- Works with
Plugins that have BetterChat compatibility
- Permissions
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- teamname.use - to use plugin features
- Commands
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In config
- Configuration
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JSON:{ "Command": [ "clan", "team" ] }
- Configuration 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "Command": [ "clan", "team" ] }
- Language 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "Permission": "<color=#ff0000>You don't have permission to use that!</color>", "Usage": "Usage:\n/team tag NAME - change name of team\n/team color COLOR - change color of team name", "NotInTeam": "<color=#ff0000>You need to be in team to do that!</color>", "NotOwner": "<color=#ff0000>You need to be owner of team to do that!</color>", "CantParseColor": "Can't parse color from {name}", "NewName": "New team name: {name}" }
Allows you to change team name and color that will be visible in chat