- Configuration
Open me
JSON:{ "Fly detects count to kick": 10, "Discord webhook": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Permissions": [ { "Permission": "adminrestrict.basic", "Priority": 1, "Bypass all checks": false, "Log to file": true, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [ "any command here", "spawn", "entid kill", "oxide.", "o." ], "Can use godmode": false, "Can fly": false, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": false, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [ "wood", "Tool" ], "Blacklisted items/categories": [ "explosive.timed" ] }, { "Permission": "adminrestrict.trusted", "Priority": 2, "Bypass all checks": false, "Log to file": true, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [ "any command here", "spawn", "entid kill", "oxide.", "o." ], "Can use godmode": true, "Can fly": true, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": true, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [ "wood", "Tool" ], "Blacklisted items/categories": [ "explosive.timed" ] }, { "Permission": "adminrestrict.owner", "Priority": 500, "Bypass all checks": true, "Log to file": false, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [], "Can use godmode": false, "Can fly": false, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": false, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [], "Blacklisted items/categories": [] } ] }
- Configuration 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "Fly detects count to kick": 10, "Discord webhook": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Permissions": [ { "Permission": "adminrestrict.basic", "Priority": 1, "Bypass all checks": false, "Log to file": true, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Log blocked commands": true, "Log allowed commands": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [ "any command here", "spawn", "entid kill", "oxide.", "o." ], "Bypassed commands/arguments": [ "lighttoggle", "endloot" ], "Can use godmode": false, "Can fly": false, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": false, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [ "wood", "Tool" ], "Blacklisted items/categories": [ "explosive.timed" ] }, { "Permission": "adminrestrict.trusted", "Priority": 2, "Bypass all checks": false, "Log to file": true, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Log blocked commands": true, "Log allowed commands": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [ "any command here", "spawn", "entid kill", "oxide.", "o." ], "Bypassed commands/arguments": [ "lighttoggle", "endloot" ], "Can use godmode": true, "Can fly": true, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": true, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [ "wood", "Tool" ], "Blacklisted items/categories": [ "explosive.timed" ] }, { "Permission": "adminrestrict.owner", "Priority": 500, "Bypass all checks": true, "Log to file": false, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Log blocked commands": true, "Log allowed commands": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [], "Bypassed commands/arguments": [ "lighttoggle", "endloot" ], "Can use godmode": false, "Can fly": false, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": false, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [], "Blacklisted items/categories": [] }, { "Permission": "adminrestrict.debug", "Priority": 999, "Bypass all checks": false, "Log to file": true, "Log to console": true, "Log to discord": true, "Log blocked commands": true, "Log allowed commands": true, "Blocked commands/arguments": [ "any command here", "spawn", "entid kill", "oxide.", "o." ], "Bypassed commands/arguments": [ "lighttoggle", "endloot" ], "Can use godmode": false, "Can fly": false, "Can spawn entities": false, "Can kill entities (ent kill)": false, "Can take items from f1": false, "Whitelisted items/categories": [ "wood", "Tool" ], "Blacklisted items/categories": [ "explosive.timed" ] } ] }
Restrict admin actions and get notified about them in discord
You can restrict:
Configuration: Click on me!
You can restrict:
- fly (noclip)
- god mode
- all commands
- item giving (with blacklist and whitelist)
- spawning stuff
Configuration: Click on me!