- Works with
- Commands
Open me
All commands require admin rights
- /warp add/remove NAME - to add/remove warp with NAME
- /warps clear - remove all warps
- Configuration
Open me
JSON:{ "Commands": [ "warp", "warps" ], "Warps": [ { "Shortname": "34210", "Display Name": "Best Warp", "Position": { "x": -3.03262329, "y": 2.99093223, "z": 3.18960571 }, "Permission": "", "Radius (meters)": 15.0, "Position to teleport": { "x": -3.03262329, "y": 2.99093223, "z": 3.18960571 }, "Note": "Created by Orange at 27/02/2021", "Commands called to player": [ "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}" ], "Commands called to server": [ "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}" ] }, { "Shortname": "34210", "Display Name": "Best Warp", "Position": { "x": -3.03262329, "y": 2.99093223, "z": 3.18960571 }, "Permission": "", "Radius (meters)": 15.0, "Position to teleport": { "x": -3.03262329, "y": 2.99093223, "z": 3.18960571 }, "Note": "Created by Orange at 27/02/2021", "Commands called to player": [ "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}" ], "Commands called to server": [ "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}", "example.run {userID}" ] } ] }
- For Developers
Open me
C#:Dictionary<string, Vector3> GetAllWarpsWithPositions string[] GetAllWarps
- Configuration 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "Warps": [ { "Name": "34807", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Note": "Description", "Permission": "", "Radius (meters)": 1.5, "Position to teleport": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Command called to player": "example.run {userID}", "Command called to server": "example.run {userID}" }, { "Name": "93113", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Note": "Description", "Permission": "", "Radius (meters)": 1.5, "Position to teleport": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Command called to player": "example.run {userID}", "Command called to server": "example.run {userID}" }, { "Name": "96418", "Position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Note": "Description", "Permission": "", "Radius (meters)": 1.5, "Position to teleport": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Command called to player": "example.run {userID}", "Command called to server": "example.run {userID}" } ] }
Physical warps on map with multiple options
- Physical (can place on ground and run inside)
- Permission system
- Teleportation to position
- Running commands