
Plugin Paid Farms 2.0.0

Configuration 2.0
Open me

  "Command": "farm",
  "Wipe data on new map": false,
  "A. Farms": [
      "1. Name of settings": "Bear",
      "2. Description": "Farm of bears (respawn every 10-20 min)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.animals",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 99999,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "wood": 5000,
        "rifle.ak": 3
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 99999,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 600,
        "Maximal time between respawns": 1200,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 2,
        "Spawn range": 5.0
      "1. Name of settings": "Stones",
      "2. Description": "Farm of stone ores (respawn every 10-15 min)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.stone",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 5,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "12345": 1,
        "666": 3
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 99999,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 600,
        "Maximal time between respawns": 900,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Spawn range": 5.0
      "1. Name of settings": "NPC",
      "2. Description": "Farm of scientists (respawn every 5 min, 5 cycles)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.npc",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist.prefab",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 1,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "wood": 1000
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 5,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 3,
        "Maximal time between respawns": 5,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Spawn range": 30.0

Language 2.0
Open me

  "Usage": "Usage:\n/farm list - get you list of available farms\n/farm add <name> - add farm on your position by keyname",
  "Farm list": "Current farm list:\n{0}",
  "Permission": "You don't have permission to use that!",
  "Cost": "You don't have enough ingredients!\n{0}",
  "Search Failed": "We can't find farm with that name! Try to check '/farm list'",
  "Farm Added": "Farm {0} was added successfully!"

Plugin that can be used by admin and by players to add farms of any objects with features like cost, permission, respawn rates and etc

  "Command": "farm",
  "Wipe data on new save": false,
  "A. Farms": [
      "1. Name of settings": "Bear",
      "2. Description": "Farm of bears (respawn every 10-20 min)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.animals",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 99999,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "wood": 5000,
        "rifle.ak": 3
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 99999,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 600,          // Seconds
        "Maximal time between respawns": 1200,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 2,
        "Spawn range": 5.0
      "1. Name of settings": "Stones",
      "2. Description": "Farm of stone ores (respawn every 10-15 min)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.stone",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 5,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "12345": 1,
        "666": 3
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 99999,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 600,
        "Maximal time between respawns": 900,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Spawn range": 5.0
      "1. Name of settings": "NPC",
      "2. Description": "Farm of scientists (respawn every 5 min, 5 cycles)",
      "3. Permission to use": "farms.npc",
      "4. Prefab to spawn": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist.prefab",
      "5. Maximal amount of objects at one time": 1,
      "6. Cost (skin ID or shortname)": {
        "wood": 1000
      "Respawn settings": {
        "Respawn cycles": 5,
        "Minimal time between respawns": 3,
        "Maximal time between respawns": 5,
        "Minimal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Maximal amount to spawn": 1,
        "Spawn range": 30.0
First release
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