- Works with
Rust Team
- Commands
Open me
- score <add / remove / reset> <team name / player id / all> - to interact with score board
- Configuration
Open me
JSON:{ "Amount of values in scoreboard": 5, "Points": { "crate_normal": 2.0, "crate_normal2": 5.0, "player": 2.0, "cupboard.tool.deployed": 25.0, "patrolhelicopter": 15.0 } }
- Configuration 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "Amount of values in scoreboard": 5, "Points": { "crate_normal": 2.0, "crate_normal2": 5.0, "player": 2.0, "cupboard.tool.deployed": 25.0, "patrolhelicopter": 15.0 } }
- Language 2.0
Open me
JSON:{ "PointsEarnedChat": "You earned <color=#ffff00> {amount}</color> points! Now you have <color=#ffff00>{current}</color> points at total", "PointsEarnedUI": " {amount} points", "ScoreList": "<size=20>Score:\n{list}</size>", "ScoreEmpty": "<size=20>Score:\n There are no score yet!\n Earn points to reach top!</size>", "ScoreEntry": "{rank}. {name} <color=#ffff00>({points})</color>\n" }
Adds visual score on top right corner
- Saving all scores in config on reset
- Huge language and config systems
- Commands to control score