
Plugin Paid Loadout 2.4.1

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Commands can be changed in config, below default examples
  • /loadout - will provide all info (player must have any permission from config)
  • /loadout current - check what is current loadout
  • /loadout reset - reset loadout
  • /loadout default groupname - set your loadout as default for permission from config (need admin rights)
  • loadout convert - convert old loadouts (console command)

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  "Permissions cache duration (seconds)": 300,
  "Command": [
  "Wipe data on new map": [
      "Permission": "loadout.default",
      "Priority": 1,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300
      "Permission": "loadout.vip",
      "Priority": 2,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300
      "Permission": "loadout.admin",
      "Priority": 500,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300

Extra Information
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This plugin allows players to receive a saved loadout created by them. The player must put the items in their inventory and type a command to save the loadout. Once complete, every time the player respawns they will recieve all the items saved in their loadout. You can block certian items from being included within the config file (Under restriction list).

Configuration 2.0
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  "Permissions cache duration (seconds)": 300,
  "Command": [
  "Wipe data on new map": [
      "Permission": "loadout.default",
      "Priority": 1,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Blocked skins to save": [
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300
      "Permission": "loadout.vip",
      "Priority": 2,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Blocked skins to save": [
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300
      "Permission": "loadout.admin",
      "Priority": 500,
      "Reset items from old loadout group": true,
      "Can save loadout": true,
      "Can get loadout": true,
      "Block if shortname was not defined": true,
      "Blocked skins to save": [
      "Restriction by categories": {
        "Attachment": 0,
        "Weapon": 0,
        "Construction": 0,
        "Items": 0,
        "Resources": 0,
        "Attire": 0,
        "Tool": 0,
        "Medical": 0,
        "Food": 0,
        "Ammunition": 0,
        "Traps": 0,
        "Misc": 0,
        "All": 0,
        "Common": 0,
        "Component": 0,
        "Search": 0,
        "Favourite": 0,
        "Electrical": 0,
        "Fun": 0
      "Restriction by shortnames": {
        "rifle.ak": 1,
        "ammo.rifle": 300

Language 2.0
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  "Usage": "Usage:\n/loadout save -> will save your current loadout\n/loadout reset -> will clear your current loadout\n/loadout list -> will show your loadout",
  "Permission": "<color=#ff0000>You don't have permission to use that!</color>",
  "SaveDisabled": "You can't save items in your loadout group",
  "GetDisabled": "You can't get items in your loadout group",
  "CantFindItems": "Can't find items in loadout!",
  "LoadoutSaved": "<color=#00ff00>Following items was saved:</color>\n{saved}\n\n<color=#ff0000>That ones was not saved:</color>\n{blocked}",
  "LoadoutReceived": "Loadout was get successfully!",
  "LoadoutReset": "Your loadout was cleared!",
  "LoadoutCurrent": "Your current loadout is:\n{list}",
  "RestrictedEntry": "{name} <color=#00ffff>x{amount}</color>\n",
  "None": "No items"

Allows players to save and receive loadouts (saved kits) with features

First release
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