
Plugin Paid Kits 1.3.8



Works with
No Escape
Respawn Kits

other kit-using plugins

Open me

  • bind h kit - to bind kits
  • /kit - to get kits list in text or GUI
  • /kit <kit name> - to get kit by name
  • /kit info <kit name> - to get information about kit (items)
  • /kit add <kit name> - add kit (need admin priveleges)
  • /kit remove <kit name> - remove kit (need admin priveleges)
  • /kit update <kit name> - update items in kit (need admin priveleges)
  • /kit load - load kits from config (need admin priveleges)
  • kits.give <steamID or player name> <kit name> - give kit to player once (need admin priveleges)
  • kits.wipe - wipe kits cooldown and uses (need admin priveleges)
  • kits.convert - convert kits from uMod version plugin (need admin priveleges)

Open me

  "Command": [
  "Wipe data on new map": false,
  "Kit list": [
      "Shortname": "test1",
      "Display name": "Test Kit #1",
      "Permission": "",
      "Cooldown": 300,
      "Wipe-block time": 600,
      "Icon": "",
      "Description": "Test kit #1",
      "Max uses": 0,
      "API Kit": false,
      "Show without uses": false,
      "Show without permission": false,
      "Show if wipe-blocked": true,
      "Show if on cooldown": true,
      "Custom message if doesn't have permission": "",
      "Items": [
          "Command": "",
          "Shortname": "stonehatchet",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin": 0,
          "Random skin": false,
          "Display name": null,
          "Blueprint": false,
          "Container": "",
          "Slot": 0,
          "Fuel": 0.0,
          "Contents": {},
          "Condition (don't change me)": 0.0,
          "Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 0.0
          "Command": "",
          "Shortname": "pickaxe",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin": 0,
          "Random skin": false,
          "Display name": null,
          "Blueprint": false,
          "Container": "",
          "Slot": 0,
          "Fuel": 0.0,
          "Contents": {},
          "Condition (don't change me)": 0.0,
          "Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 0.0
      "Shortname": "test2",
      "Display name": "Test Kit #2",
      "Permission": "",
      "Cooldown": 300,
      "Wipe-block time": 432000,
      "Icon": "",
      "Description": "Test kit #2",
      "Max uses": 0,
      "API Kit": false,
      "Show without uses": false,
      "Show without permission": false,
      "Show if wipe-blocked": true,
      "Show if on cooldown": true,
      "Custom message if doesn't have permission": "",
      "Items": [
          "Command": "",
          "Shortname": "stonehatchet",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin": 0,
          "Random skin": false,
          "Display name": null,
          "Blueprint": false,
          "Container": "",
          "Slot": 0,
          "Fuel": 0.0,
          "Contents": {},
          "Condition (don't change me)": 0.0,
          "Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 0.0
          "Command": "",
          "Shortname": "pickaxe",
          "Amount": 1,
          "Skin": 0,
          "Random skin": false,
          "Display name": null,
          "Blueprint": false,
          "Container": "",
          "Slot": 0,
          "Fuel": 0.0,
          "Contents": {},
          "Condition (don't change me)": 0.0,
          "Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 0.0

For Developers
Open me

OnKitSelected (BasePlayer player, string kitName) - on kit selection (in gui)
OnKitsLoaded () - on loading kits through command
CanSeeKits (BasePlayer player) - on opening gui menu of kits
CanSeeKitsInfo (BasePlayer player, string kitName) - on opening gui info about kit
OnKitAdded (string kitName) - on adding kit
OnKitRemoved (string kitName) - on removing kit
OnKitRedeemed (BasePlayer player, string kitName) - on receiving kit (by command)
canRedeemKit (BasePlayer player)
CanUseKit (BasePlayer player)

Configuration 2.0
Open me

  "Background color": "0.25 0.25 0.25 0.75",
  "Background material": "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat",
  "Background sprite": "",
  "Maximal kits on one page": 25,
  "Maximal kits on one line": 5,
  "Kit image size X": 200,
  "Kit image size Y": 100,
  "Kit image offset X": 5,
  "Kit image offset Y": 5,
  "Content image size X": 75,
  "Content image size Y": 75,
  "Content image offset X": 2,
  "Content image offset Y": 2,
  "Kit background color": "0 1 0 0.3",
  "Outline color": "0 0 0 1",
  "Outline distance": "1.0 -0.5"

Language 2.0
Open me

  "InfoText": "Info",
  "CloseMark": "x",
  "NextPage": "<size=30> >> </size>",
  "PreviousPage": "<size=30> << </size>",
  "TextHead": "<size=25>\nFollowing kits available:</size>",
  "TextBottom": "<size=15><color=#ff0000>Click on free place to exit!\n</color></size>",
  "None": "None",
  "Infinite": "Unlimited",
  "KitContents": "<size=40><color=#00ffff>{name}</color></size>\n<size=20>Description: {description}\nBlock after wipe: {wipeblock}\nCooldown: {cooldown}\nUses left: {uses}</size>"

  • Better optimized (created from 0)
  • More config options
  • Autowiping data-files
  • Kits in config-file
  • Custom items support
  • Commands support
  • Giving kits by command (from console or other plugin)
  • Separate GUI (you can change GUI or buy order personal design)
  • and much more!
Examples of different GUI designs:


First release
Last update

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