- Works with
- Permissions
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- autolocks.use - to use plugin features
- Commands
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- /autolocks - general command
- Configuration
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JSON:{ "Commands": [ "lock", "locks", "autolock", "autolocks", "autocodelock", "autocodelocks", "codelock", "codelocks" ], "Add lock on building object": true, "Auto lock new locks": true, "Take locks from inventory": false, "Disable in raidblock": true, "Default value for doors": true, "Default value for containers": false, "Blacklisted entities": [ "fridge.deployed", "wall.frame.shopfront", "etc" ] }
- Configuration 2.0
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JSON:{ "Commands": [ "lock", "locks", "autolock", "autolocks", "autocodelock", "autocodelocks", "codelock", "codelocks" ], "Add lock on building object": true, "Auto lock new locks": true, "Take locks from inventory": false, "Disable in raidblock": true, "Default value for doors": true, "Default value for containers": false, "Blacklisted entities": [ "fridge.deployed", "wall.frame.shopfront", "etc" ] }
- Language 2.0
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JSON:{ "Permission": "<color=#ff0000>You don't have permission to use that!</color>", "CantFindLock": "<color=#ff0000>AutoLock can't find lock in your inventory!</color>", "LockAdded": "Lock was automatically added by Auto-Locks!", "Usage": "<color=#ff0000><size=12>Auto-Locks on SERVER NAME</size></color>\nYour code: {code}\nDoors: {doors}\nContainers: {containers}\nTo change code use - /autolock 1234\nTo change value - /autolock <doors/containers>", "ChangedCode": "You changed code to {value}", "DoorsOn": "You changed locking doors to ENABLED", "DoorsOff": "You changed locking doors to DISABLED", "ContainersOn": "You changed locking containers to ENABLED", "ContainersOff": "You changed locking containers to DISABLED", "ChangedContainers": "You changed locking containers to {value}", "WrongCode": "Error in code syntax! {original}, {parsed}", "LockLocked": "Lock was locked by Auto-Locks!\nTo check or change your code type /autolock" }
Automatically adds locks on new objects, or locking new locks
- Decent price
- Optimized
- Huge configuration
- Player customization (they can set on what place lock and on what not)