- Works with
uMod - Server Rewards by k1lly0u
Earn reward points in various ways and spend them on many different options in the GUI reward storeumod.org
- Setup
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To setup atm you need to place cardreader (in rustedit or spawn in game) with GREEN (1) access level. After that you need to reload plugin and it will detect all green cardreaders that is not connected to anything and count them as ATM.
To let players use ATM you need to give them card with commands (check commands section)
- Commands
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- atm.givecard NameOrSteamID amount - Give card to player (need admin priveleges)
- atm.givemoney NameOrSteamID amount - Give money to player (need admin priveleges)
- Configuration
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JSON:{ "Card Settings": { "Display name": "Credit Card", "Skin": 1829168208, "Shortname": "keycard_green" }, "Money Settings": { "Display name": "Paper Money ($)", "Skin": 1829167921, "Shortname": "paper" }, "Withdraw effect": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.unlock.prefab", "Deposit effect": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.unlock.prefab", "Fail effect": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", "Use Economics": true, "Use Server Rewards": false }
ATM Machine that can be used to deposit/withdraw money with credit cards and paper money