XP improved (maybe)?

Hello Orange!
First of all: take care with healt.

Next thing I was thinking about an addition to your XP plugin. I have a slight doubt that a part of my idea is doable but let me explain:

  • XP for killing players
  • subtracting XP to the killer if the victim's level < killer's level
  • XP for picking up other players
  • XP for using the recycler (yeah, so green!)

I know these ideas are not mine, still I find them quite good. Now, I am not really sure if I can implement in your plugin, I am trying to figure it out. MY wild guess is that this part of the *.json:

"B. Experience settings": {
"heavyscientist": 5,

Gives 5 XP when killing the oil rig heavy scientist so maybe I could put there something for players but I really don't know how.

You are using the short names so maybe I should look in that direction. Maybe. :rolleyes:

That's all for now! Bye!