Just do it via tool cupboard, they'd need to find the tc to be able to destroy it to begin with. This change would definantly reduce the overall impact on players if their own bases don't despawn while they're home.
Encountering an issue with some blacklisted objects disapearing and re-appearing for players, particulary large furnaces, shop fronts and refinerys.
"Blacklist prefabs": [
"assets/prefabs/deployable/tuna can wall lamp/tunalight.deployed.prefab",
"assets/prefabs/deployable/oil refinery/refinery_small_deployed.prefab",
"assets/prefabs/deployable/ceiling light/ceilinglight.deployed.prefab"
Can't see a reason why a refinery and a large furnace need to be despawned if they're placed on the outside of a base (usally). As one player put it, they could easily fly a helicopter over a base to look for vents for the smoke.