Solved Trade Logging

It would be helpful if Trade created a log of trade information showing the players involved and what they traded to each other.
I always like both, but I was thinking about log files.

Here's what it might show in the logs:

Date/Time Trade Initated - PlayerName (SteamID), accepted by PlayerName (SteamID)
Date/Time Trade Completed - PlayerName (SteamID), accepted by PlayerName (SteamID)
--PlayerName (SteamID) - ItemName (Count)
--PlayerName (SteamID) - ItemName (Count), ItemName (Count)

I suggested showing initiated/accepted since not all trades are completed.

Then for console show without the items:

Date/Time Trade Initated - PlayerName (SteamID), accepted by PlayerName (SteamID)
Date/Time Trade Completed - PlayerName (SteamID), accepted by PlayerName (SteamID)

That'd be a nice addition so that admins can see exactly what players are trading. This is especially nice with solo/duo/trio servers to see if players are teaming up when they shouldn't be.


That'd be a nice addition so that admins can see exactly what players are trading. This is especially nice with solo/duo/trio servers to see if players are teaming up when they shouldn't be.
For that one, plugin can be developed that will allow trading with SAME player NOT from team once 5 hours for example
For that one, plugin can be developed that will allow trading with SAME player NOT from team once 5 hours for example

For me, when concerned about players violating trio rules, I typically find other signs of it. I would use the trade logs to verify it rather than detect it or stop it. At least on my server, it's ok if people from clans trade items back and forth frequently as long as they trade and not give.

However, I have players who frequently give new players items for nothing so I don't want to stop those types of trades. I just want to be able to see them. I have no visibility right now.