Sentry Turrets 2.3.7f no power error UnApproved

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In topic:
  • 1 sentry turret requiring 500 power. 2 test gens each providing 1,000 power to 1 root combiner. The root combiner sending 2,000 power to an electrical branch. The electrical branch branching off 500 power to the sentry turret. I go to switch the sentry turret on and I get a message saying "no power."
  • I temporarily fixed this issue myself by changing literally nothing other than removing just 1 test gen from the root combiner. Than the sentry turret will power on with just 1 test gen going to 1 root combiner and that root combiner branching 500 power to the auto turret. This part isn't showed in the video because I started recording the video afterwards. What happened after I started recording is that the Sentry Turrets randomly decided to stop accepting power from anything originating from a root combiner period. Than... I wasn't able to setup a second sentry turret and get it to power on period, from any source at all and I would get the error "connect to source output" even if I was connecting the power out of a test gen to the power in of the sentry turret.
  • Add tag "Unapproved"
  • Attached video:
  • 2.3.7f
  • Oxide Config
    "Can get damage": true,
    "Required power": 500,
    "Authorize friends and team members": true,
    "Authorize tc members": false,
    "Amount of ammo for one spray (set to 0 for no-ammo mode)": 3,
    "Range (normal turret - 30": 50,
    "Give back on ground missing": true,
    "Health (normal turret - 1000)": 50000.0,
    "Aim cone (normal turret - 4)": 2.0
Someone on my server raided someone else that had a bunch of these on the roof of their base. When the raider destroyed some of their foundation and some of their roof collapsed. Four of the Sentry Turrets stayed in place and just floated in mid-air.