Is it possible to execute a chat command via kits?
I want to click on a kit and then run a command chat.say / mymini
"Shortname": "test1",
"Display name": "Test Kit #1",
"Permission": "",
"Cooldown": 300,
"Wipe-block time": 600,
"Icon": "",
"Description": "Test kit #1",
"Max uses": 0,
"API Kit": false,
"Show without uses": false,
"Show without permission": false,
"Show if wipe-blocked": true,
"Show if on cooldown": true,
"Custom message if doesn't have permission": "",
"Items": [
"Command": "",
"Shortname": "stonehatchet",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin": 0,
"Random skin": false,
"Display name": null,
"Blueprint": false,
"Container": "",
"Slot": 0,
"Fuel": 0.0,
"Contents": {},
"Condition (don't change me)": 0.0,
"Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 0.0
You have command that is called "chat". What you expect it to be? You are entering command that not existsi know that but dont work.
"Command": "chat",
You need it to be ""Command": "chat",
Command: "\"chat.say / mymini\""
"Shortname": "test",
"Display name": "test",
"Permission": "kits.admin",
"Cooldown": 0,
"Wipe-block time": 0,
"Icon": "",
"Description": "Created by LosGranada at 04/01/2021 19:56:07",
"Max uses": 0,
"API Kit": false,
"Show without uses": false,
"Show without permission": false,
"Show if wipe-blocked": true,
"Show if on cooldown": true,
"Custom message if doesn't have permission": "",
"Items": [
"Command": "",
"Shortname": "flashlight.held",
"Amount": 1,
"Skin": 0,
"Random skin": false,
"Display name": null,
"Blueprint": false,
"Container": "Belt",
"Slot": 0,
"Fuel": 0.0,
"Contents": {},
"Condition (don't change me)": 50.0,
"Maximal Condition (don't change me)": 50.0
Check upper message, i made there example how to add commandi dont understand sorry.
how i add the command /mymini as a Kit?