Resource update in 'Plugin - Infinite Stock' by Orange has been reported by Nox911A. Reason given:
Also, I deleted InfiniteStock and am no longer getting the spammed message.
"Image is from the moment I reloaded the config.json edit" Up until then Plugin was stable but I had gotten a report that it wasn't working. I cannot confirm that as i didn't get the chance to test for myself.

Content being reported:
Update: The server crashed after 3 hrs, then I was unable to restart and was eventually forced to wipe the map halfway through the Biweekly wipe.I changed "Force stock to amount" to 100000000 and instantly got the message <OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.> spamming in my rcon. Unloading the plugin didn't stop it and I've never seen this msg before.
Also, I deleted InfiniteStock and am no longer getting the spammed message.
"Image is from the moment I reloaded the config.json edit" Up until then Plugin was stable but I had gotten a report that it wasn't working. I cannot confirm that as i didn't get the chance to test for myself.

Content being reported:
Making stock infinite on all vending machines/npc vendors and allows to buy more items at once
(only for NPC vending machines or NPC traders)
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