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  1. S

    Craft Plus: Plugin improvements and better usage

    could you please add a new option: show a small ui button beside tech tree icon when players are using workbenches to open the craft interface. add different items to different workbench tiers or add additional items when higher workbench tier. this improves player side plugin usage...
  2. S

    Auto Teleport settings

    1. please Orange, let us choose default settings for users. if you install plugin, there is auto-enabled autotp for all with permission, but i would love to let them select first if they want to use it. some player add friends ingame and don´t know this means auto tp accepts. 2. please let us...
  3. S

    DiscordServer - please add Update informations

    please create a discord channel where you announce plugin updates
  4. S

    EventProtector - suggestion

    so like i asked you on discord: please make it possible to let the plugin only show the damage dealers to heli/apc without locking the crates usage
  5. S

    Solved Vehicle Drops issue with RHIB

    like you wish, i repost it here grandmaster @Orange :p plugin is a great idea and addition. players love to receive airdrops (and i like to watch). like i wrote on discord, the plugin work smooth and is good. but when i call multiple RHIB, some of them spawn as casual airdrop. This only...
  6. S

    Solved 2CHEVSKII plugins outdated, no answers by himself

    @2CHEVSKII me (and others) are angry :( It's not okay to sell plugins that do not work anymore. I purchased SpawnProtection & EnhancedCupboard. Both were useless, but you updated SpawnProtection after a while. It seemed like you knew there were problems with the plugin but did not tell me...