Resource update in 'Plugin - Sentry Turrets' by Orange has been reported by DoKZaMmer. Reason given:
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When your plugin is running. My server start sending this spam endlessly: Calling hook OnTurretTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: SpawnNPC - False (Boolean), SentryTurrets (True (Boolean))
I'm guessing that the turret is somehow connected to the city turret, because when I switch this to false - "Turrets by outpost sentries don't attack NPC": false" - Spam from the server stops.
I will leave you a link to this plugin, because many NPC plugins use this kind of hooks, just add a check for this hook to your plugin or make your plugin bypass or somehow ignore this hook! In general, I think we understand each other.
He is free for download:
This plugin creates NPC on Rust monuments. This plugin works with new intelligence for NPC. The plugin has many settings for creating NPC of any type of complexity. For each NPC separately, it is possible to customize different clothes, weapons, loot. You can use additional plugins such as: Kits,
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