It just disables after we try to remove something.
(courtesy of a player)
But this is the current issue
this is for the remove timer.
Any help?
Rust 2021-01-22 18-45-26_Trim.mp4

But this is the current issue
"Wipe data on new map": true,
"Amount of time while remove available": 18000
"Command": "remove",
"Need ability to build for removing": true,
"Need ownership for removing": true,
"Friends can remove": false,
"Clan can remove": true,
"A. Deployables": {
"Return item with same condition": true,
"Return item": true
"B. Building blocks": {
"Percent of block cost": 100
"C. GUI settings": {
"Duration": 60,
"Panel color": "0.25 0.25 0.25 1",
"Text color": "1 1 1 1",
"Text size": 15,
"Anchor min": "0 0.92",
"Anchor max": "1 0.97"