Recent content by ynzo

  1. Y

    Important Broken plugins list after new oxide compiler

    Fix? Failed to call hook 'OnExplosiveThrown' on plugin 'SupplyLimiter v1.0.4' (NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.) at Oxide.Plugins.SupplyLimiter.CheckSupply (BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity, ThrownWeapon thrown) [0x0014f] in...
  2. Y

    add payment skrill please
  3. Y

    add payment skrill please

    Hello add payment skrill please
  4. Y

    Score Plugin

    Hello add red know what team is offline on server or got raid.
  5. Y

    Cupboard On Map add Raidzone

    Hello Can you add a dot to the TC raidzone plugin where you can see that it is raid?