Recent content by JagsterWintermute

  1. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    I have read your post dated 4th December. I totally understand and, as a musician, I think I know what you mean when you say that "Programming is pure act of creation". You have been open so I will do the same here. I don't want a refund for the plugin I bought mostly because the plugins works...
  2. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Sounds cool, me too! But, apart the use of multiple languages, I am just waiting for some major updates to XP System. That's all. ;)
  3. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Oh, cool! (y)
  4. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Well, months have passed and no news about this thing: should I consider my suggestion dead, then? ?
  5. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Just to be clear: I am not in a hurry... ;) The current plugin is working 100% and I have customized just the way I wanted. The things I have written in this thread is a wishlist and I would like to know if Orange can work on it as a personal customization for me/you (and eventually share the...
  6. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Are there any news about these suggestions? :)
  7. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    I have no problems at all but the final word is not mine so we have to wait what Orange has to say about that. I am glad, though, you like my proposal as well! And yes, I am also glad Orange liked it too! ?
  8. JagsterWintermute

    Customization for XP plugin

    Hello Orange! So, this is my official request for a personalized customization of your plugin! :) These are something that I would like to be implemented to reward my players to "act good". I think I wrote those things somewhere else but this is the official request! XP for using the recycler...
  9. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP not given to certain entities

    This is a crosspost from the original thread, I think it's more suitable here than the previous section. Hello Orange! :) So, I took inspiration from your words and I modified the script as following: "B. Experience settings": { "metal.ore": 3, "hq.metal.ore": 5, "sulfur.ore"...
  10. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    Yeah, the color issue is solved and working changing the lang/en/XpSystem.json Neat! Thank you! ;) The "level jump" issue seems to have solved itself. A player reported me that he had no problem in leveling up. He had all the notifications properly working so I really don't understand what's...
  11. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    My apologies but I don't understand that.... I started with 0 XPs and 0 level. Then I had no notifications. Suddenly I had the notification you see in the picture, then the plugin started to work properly, accumulating XP as I defined in XPSystem.json and giving rewards as I defined in...
  12. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    I have checked the XPSystem.cs file... And I have changed all the <color> tags into these: {"XP Added Chat", "You earned <color=#FF5555>{0} XP</color>"}, {"XP Added Gametip", "You earned <color=#FFFFFF>{0} XP</color>"}, {"New Level"...
  13. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    Ok, I don't use discord that much but I will try. I have another issue now... :( I have changed my xpsystem.json to this (I have set levels from 1 to 60 with a nice and smooth curve. Yay math!) The code is verified and properly working but.... That's what happen... I try to grin XP and...
  14. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    Oh, I understand now. Yet, I asked that question 13 days ago HERE and I had no answer. ? Oh well, better later than never! ;) So I have to define every level I want my player to grow up to since it will stop if no level is defined. A little bit of a hassle, to be honest, but also great for an...
  15. JagsterWintermute

    Solved XP Settings seems not to work properly

    Hello Orange! I have installed your XP & Reward system on my server but it seems something is not working properly. The xpsystem.json is like that: { "Wipe data on new map": true, "Gametip announcement duration (seconds, 0 to disable)": 3.0, "Experience for playtime": 1, "Time between...