Recent content by Black Cobra RO

  1. Black Cobra RO

    Solved Main Cupboard | Cupboard foundation destroying not triggering

    my config ! : "Commands on TC destroy": [ "ban {userId} \"Your TC was destroyed! Defeat!\"" ], "Destroy base when TC was destroyed": true }
  2. Black Cobra RO

    Solved Main Cupboard | Cupboard foundation destroying not triggering

    Yes ! authorized or not the plugin does not react if the platform on which the TC is located is destroyed!
  3. Black Cobra RO

    Solved Main Cupboard | Cupboard foundation destroying not triggering

    Gorgeous plugin! a little problem ! If the foundation is where the TC is located, the plugin is destroyed, the command does not execute (players authorized at that tc do not take a kick or a ban)! consequently the plugin does not work! Is there anything that can be done about it?