
Plugin Paid Trade 1.2.7

Hook for trade is broken in that update (it trigerred button). Added invisible UI on top of approx position of button that will work as patch for now
Fixed rust bug (when trade was not reset, after item in slot was splitted)
Changed hook name
Now plugin doesn't require dll replacing
Hook as added in build, dll update will be not required in future

Added multiple commands support
Added extra accept commands
Added extra cancel commands
Now trade works 100% properly and good, but you need to replace dll on your server
Import DLL when server is offline
P.S. added 2 new hooks, waiting for approval on uMod, so meanwhile use my dll's
Code optimization
Code refactoring
Now shop front spawns in a bit different location
Fixed when players names was not appearing after beginning trade
Fixed when sometimes you was unable to hit accept
Added 3 new bugs
Added missing lang messages
Added config option to block in raid
Added config option to block in cupboard range
Added new chat messages