Solved NPCBases 1.1.6 and TruePVE


Looks as TruePVE disabled zones support. I will make plugin for my own, thanks for report
Looks as TruePVE disabled zones support. I will make plugin for my own, thanks for report
TruePVE and Zones work with Dynamic PVP so they must still support Zones right. Right now I am manually placing bases inside the Dynamic PVP Zones and the bases are able to be raided.
First thing is you haven't applied zones to your mappings.
For example.
  "Mappings": {
    "default": "default",
    "0": "raidbase",
    "1": "raidbase",
    "2": "raidbase"

What I did was make a secondary Rule Set. Just copy/paste what you have, give it a new name and change the parameters. Though it's not always guaranteed to work. I'm not sure if the zone spawning is glitching or the rules aren't applying I'll double check next time I'm on my test server. I just need to /zone_list and check my coordinates to make sure it spawned.

You'll need to change your "RuleSets" based on your entity groups. So lets say you have
      "name": "graveyardfence",
      "members": "graveyardfence",
      "exclusions": ""
And it's set to not damage players and not players to damage. You'll need to change that in the new rule set.

I've set this at the top of the new Rule Set and it seems to work.
      "name": "raidbase",
      "enabled": true,
      "defaultAllowDamage": true,
      "flags": "HumanNPCDamage, SelfDamage",

Depending if you want the zone to be PVP you'll need to change the rules about player damage as well. So you'll need to change
"players cannot hurt players",
"players can hurt players",
If you want the zone to be PVP

I have mine configured to PVE and it's holding up fine when the zones or config (whichever it is) work.

Basically turn cannot to can where applicable if you want damage to happen.
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First thing is you haven't applied zones to your mappings.
Once again thanks for the help I was able to get it working with TruePVE. I still had a few problems like after a base was raided and the TC was broken the base would remove itself but the zone and the map marker would stay. Also, new NPC bases would not spawn again even after all the bases had been raided, removed, and I had the Base spawn check interval set to 30. Do you have any of these issues with your setup?
The zone not spawning with the base. I brought up the active zones, which are listed in chat. And you can see my current position a spawned base under the chat.

Edit: I double checked my config. And "Create zone": true, is set for all the bases.


The zone not spawning with the base. I brought up the active zones, which are listed in chat. And you can see my current position a spawned base under the chat.
I will fix that in recent update. Wanted to make it yesterday, but was not feeling good, sorry guys :(
I updated to the newest version and now the bases do not take damage. I noticed the zone id line is gone now and that is what I was using. I tried using the zone name and it still doesn't allow damage. Any suggestions?