NPC Bases

Plugin Paid NPC Bases 1.3.5

Made new function for positions of NPC
Fixed flame turrets not shooting
Fixed some issues on unloading
Potentially fixed issue with SpawnsDatabase
Fix for zones/domes etc was not disappearing
Fix for guns in turrets
Fix for some of entities was able to pickup, thanks to Peter!
Made loot filling in turrets and cupboard more secure
Added ability to disable config entries
Added ability to limit maximal amount of bases with same type
Fixed when not all of objects was detected as base parts
Fixed when markers/zone/dome/etc was not disappeared properly
Added more debug messages
Fix for Zone Manager errors
Added a lot of new variables and changed config a lot, WIPE REQUIRED

Removed chat command (still can be used in game with F1)
Added more messages on commands
Added option "random" to command (Ex: npcbases spawn random)
Fixed all issues with containers and loot (now it will be more secure)
Fixed when loot from chests was removed
Added more checks for positions
Fixed some bugs with code locks
Added ability to use Spawns Database
Added ability to use Zone Domes

Now if there are players nearby base global and raid destroy will be delayed for 10 mins every time
Added more debug messages
Optimized code
Added ability to use any zone flags
Fixed issues with bots and kits (and weapons)
Fixed when some entities was not refreshed (Ex: code locks, cupboard, turrets, etc)
Fixed base despawn after raid

There are a lot of other changes and fixes that i doesn't remember...
Not recommended to use plugin after last rust update (there are some issues that i need to check in near days)
Wait for 1.1.8 version please
Code optimizations and refactoring
Fixed some common bugs
Fixed all ownership issues (codelocks, bags, etc)
Fixed issues with Zone Manager (when zone was moved when same base was spawned)
Made new logic for self-destroy (now player need's to destroy XXX building parts and they timer will start)
Fixed wrong check for buildings nearby spawn position
Added FAQ on informational page of plugin
Added support for 4 spawning types (3 plugins and 1 default)
Make position validation more accurate
Fixed when players was able to spawn on bags in building
Now random spawning works correct
Added plugin for spawns (
Fixed when zone from building was not erased
Fixed when flame and other turrets was not loaded
Fixed when turrets was shooting bots