Recent content by copeman365

  1. copeman365

    Server Manager Console Script.

    this man doesnt have a dev role how is he posting?
  2. copeman365

    Backpacks id lost

    ive tested with same version as you and i have no issues, have you tried deleting the plugin and downloading a new copy? also anything that uses the medium present could cause the issue, this could be loot plugins, plugins that use its UI ECT
  3. copeman365

    Backpacks id lost

    post your config, im using backpacks with no issues
  4. copeman365

    tutorial Sentry turret

    oh thats a good store aswell, i use it and im sure orange could look into doing that
  5. copeman365

    tutorial Sentry turret

    kakoo if i remeber right GUISHOP has a section where you can sell commands, so you can add the command to that so you would just add sentryturrets.give <name or steamID> to GUISHOP
  6. copeman365

    CraftPlus integration

    all you have to do is DM Orange and tell him why you need it,
  7. copeman365

    Plugin Upload Fund

    you just ask orange to send it to you whenever your ready for a withdraw i believe
  8. copeman365

    Quick Marker - Remove sound effect

    so its still calling for a sound effect via the main file for it, so you would have to find it and comment that part out, idk if that would work it might it might not
  9. copeman365

    Quick Marker - Remove sound effect

    can you show me the normal config file?
  10. copeman365


  11. copeman365

    March 2021 | Giveaway

    Orange still waiting
  12. copeman365

    Name Rewards

    They should lose it, i belive it checks the user name when they join, but cant say forsure cause i didnt make it
  13. copeman365

    why wont invites work on Xbox

    this isnt for rust console edtion, this is a mod website for rust pc
  14. copeman365

    Recoil Recorder

    download zone manager and set a zone around the wholemap
  15. copeman365

    March 2021 | Giveaway

    i would like these 2